劳拉·克劳馥(Lara Croft)

发表时间:2023/02/14 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:11392  
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  Lara Croft, daughter of Lord Henshingly Croft, was raised to be an aristocrat from birth. After attending finishing school at the age of 21, Lara's marriage into wealth has seem assured, but on her way home from a skiing trip her chartered plane had crashed deep in the heart of the Himalayas. The only survivor, Lara learned how to depend on her wits to stay alive in hostile conditions a world away from her sheltered upbringing. 2 weeks later, when she walked into the village of Tokakeriby her experience had had a profound effect on her. Unable to stand the claustrophobic suffocating atmosphere of upper-class British society, she realised that she was only truly alive when she was travelling alone. Over the 8 following years she acquired an intimate knowledge of ancient civilisations across the globe. Her family disowned their prodigal daughter, and she turned to writing to fund her trips. Famed for discovering several ancient sites of profound archaeological interest she made a name for herself by publishing travel books and detailed journals of her exploits.




  Legend has it that when you drive the Dagger of Xian into your heart, you acquire the power of the dragon. Literally.
  In Ancient China, the Emperor was the holder of this power and with his army alongside him, he was a force to be reckoned with. Thus he staked claim to the vast lands that are China.
  His final battle however ended in defeat. While people fell into submission all around him, the Warrior Monks of Tibet would not relent and courageously fought against his evil. Knowing the power of the dagger, they succeeded in removing it from the Dragon Emperor's heart - reducing him and his army to carnage. The dagger was returned to its resting place within The Great Wall and locked up for all time...
  Now three parties hold the dagger close to their heart. And all for entirely different reasons.
  Lara, forever the adventurer, is one of these. In her travels, she will encounter the other two...


  劳拉出身英国贵族,是 Henshingly Croft 爵士的女儿。她自小活泼漂亮,聪颖过人,是父母的掌上明珠。21岁那年她结束学业,预备奉父母之命嫁入豪门,享受无忧无虑的豪华生活。然而在一次滑雪度假后的返家途中,她乘坐的飞机发生意外,坠毁在喜玛郎雅山的茫茫雪谷中。万幸的是劳拉成为这次空难中的唯一幸存者。在求生途中,她学会依靠自己的勇气和智慧战胜极端恶劣的自然条件。两个星期后,当她摇摇晃晃地走进视野中的第一座小村庄时,她已经发生了脱胎换骨的变化,再也不是过去那个劳拉了。经历了这番险遇,劳拉对狭隘的上流社会那令人窒息的生活再也无法忍受。她感觉只有在独自旅行时自己才是真正地活着。于是随后的八年间,她遍游世界各地,追寻古代文明的历史,获得了珍贵的第一手资料。可是她的父母对女儿背叛上流社会的做法分不满,遂与劳拉断绝关系。失去了经济来源与保障,劳拉不得不转向写作谋生,以支付自己的旅行开销。工夫不负有心人,由于她所发现的几处古代遗址具有巨大的考古价值,从此声明鹊起。同时她所出版的游记和考古手札也为她赢得极大声誉。


  Millions of years ago, a meteor survived the plunge through the Earth's atmosphere, impacting in the then warm climes of Antarctica...
  The first people to discover this land were a tribe of Polynesians. Despite the now freezing conditions, there was an abnormal abundance of life and the tribe settles, worshipping the metorite crater for the powers it appeared to hold. Generations later though, catastrophic events forced them to flee in terror...
  Today, the same area is being excavated by the research company; RX Tech, who are picking up unusual readings from the meteorite's impact zone. It is in this zone that they uncover the body of a sailor from Charles Darwin's voyage on The Beagle. A few of the sailors had it seems, briefly explored the crater's interior...
  Following the story from one of the sailor's journal, the research company have started to take particular interest in, not only the crater area, but other parts of the globe where the sailors subsequently travelled to...and died in...
  One of these places is India - where Lara is currently searching for the legendary Infada artefact. Unaware of its true history, she only knows that in local beliefs it was supposed to hold great powers and hs been revered by tribes there throughout the years...


  The daughter of Lord Henshingly Croft, Lara was brought up in the secure world of aristocracy - wanting for nothing she was surrounded by servants, social events and high society.
  Having attended Wimbledon High School for Girls from the age of 11 years, Lara's parents decided that now she was 16, she should broaden her education by studying for her A'levels at one of England's most prominent boarding schools. An adventurous soul, Lara found the idea of being sent away from home an exciting prospect. By chance one day Lara came across a copy of National Geographic on the hall table. The front cover featured a familiar name - Professor Werner Von Croy. A respected archaeologist, Von Croy had once lectured at Lara's school to pupils and parents alike. The experience had a profound effect on Lara, triggering a desire to travel to remote locations in search of adventure. In some ways Von Croy had become an inspirational figure for Lara.
  As Lara read further, she learned that Von Croy was currently preparing for an archaeological tour across Asia, culminating in a potential new discovery to be made in Cambodia. Unable to contain herself, Lara burst into the room, thrust the article in front of her parents and without hesitation demanded she accompany Von Croy on his expedition. Lord Croft could hardly disagree that travel was an education in itself. As Lara argued the case further, he found himself walking over to the desk and penning a letter to Von Croy, introducing himself as an influential society figure and offering financial assistance in exchange for his daughter's place on the expedition.
  Von Croy's reply assured the Henshingly Crofts that the territories were friendly and that he had ample experience to look after both his and Lara's well being. Lara's company as an assistant would be welcome, as was the offer of such a generous cheque. He remembered Lara from his lecture - her incessant yet insightful questions had made quite an impression upon him.
  And so it was agreed by all that Lara would accompany Von Croy for the duration of the tour...
  ... Once the game has begun, listen carefully to Von Croy, his teaching and advice will prove invaluable on your travels ...


  Lara Croft, daughter of Lord Henshingly Croft, was raised to be an aristocrat from birth, in 1965. She was privately tutored from age 3 to age 11, whereupon she attended Wimbleton Girl's High School in Surrey, England. At the age of 15, she showed a brief interest in archaeology and was introduced to the subject by the renowned adventurer, Von Croy, whom she accompanied on an expedition to Columbia. Von Croy never returned from the trip, however, and the undisclosed incident which led to his apparent demise also ended Lara's interest in archaeology. She returned home to graduate from high school, a boarding school, and finally a Swiss finishing school which she left at the age of 21. Lara's marriage into wealth had seemed assured after her father arranged for her to marry the Earl of Farringdon. However, on her way home from a skiing trip with her fiancee, her chartered plane crashed deep in the heart of the Himalayas. Although Lara was the only survivor, in a way she died too - the woman who learned to stay alive for two weeks in the hostile wilderness before emerging from her ordeal was not the same sheltered Lara Croft who had originally boarded the plane. Back in upper - class British society, Lara was unable to stand the claustrophobic and suffocating atmosphere. She realized that the only time she had felt truly alive was when she traveled alone and depended upon her wits to survive. With her wealth and connections behind her, over the following eight years she was able to acquire an intimate knowledge of ancient civilizations across the globe. Her father, however, soon disowned his prodigal daughter and cut her off from the family fortune. Lara turned to writing to fund her trips. Famed for discovering several ancient sites of profound archaeological interest, she made a name for herself by publishing travel books and detailed journals of her exploits.

    注:来自Prima Games出版古墓丽影4官方攻略《Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation: Prima's Official Strategy》。

  汉新利·克劳馥爵士(Lord Henshingly Croft)的女儿——劳拉,是在贵族世界的安全环境中长大。在上流社会中,她总是被仆人以及社交活动所围绕。当她16岁时,劳拉的父母决定送她到英国最著名的寄宿学校就读,好让她受到第一流的教育。在劳垃远离家园的这段时间内,她体内的冒险灵魂也逐渐的苏醒过来。
  一个偶然的机会,劳拉发现了一本国家地理杂志。封面上标示着相当熟悉的一个名字——温拿·冯·克洛教授(Preofessor Wemer Von Croy)。身为著名的考古学家,冯·克洛曾经到劳拉的学校演讲。他的经验让劳拉的内心深深的受到影响,并触动她想要到远方进行探索与冒险的渴望。从某些方面而言,冯·克洛可以说是劳拉的精神指引。她发现冯·克洛正准备进行一次横越亚洲的考古之旅,于是再也无法克制自己,毫不犹豫的想要陪同冯·克洛进行探索之旅。


  It is a cold dark rainy day, the memorial service for Lara Croft over, Charles Kane, Winston and Father Dunstan retire to Croft Mansion.
  As they collect their thoughts, they reminisce about Lara's past adventures...
  Hundreds of miles away Werner Von Croy co-ordinates the frantic dig searching for answers buried deep beneath the Egyptian desert...


  It is a cold, dark, rainy day. With the memorial service for Lara Croft over, her old friends retire to the Croft Mansion.
  As they sadly collect their thoughts, they reminisce about Lara’s past adventures ...
  Meanwhile ...
  Hundreds of miles away, Werner Von Croy co-ordinates the frantic dig – searching for answers buried deep beneath the Egyptian desert ...


  沃纳·冯·克罗伊(Werner Von Croy)正在几百英里之外的埃及沙漠下面进行着近乎疯狂的挖掘……


  Accused of the murder of her former mentor, Von Croy, Lara becomes a fugitive on the run. To clear her name, Lara has no choice but to confront the secret alliance whose destiny it is to take over the world.

  A series of grisly murders brings Lara into conflict with a sinister Alchemist from the past, and a secret alliance of powerful individuals shrouded in mystery. At the center of these mysteries are the Obscura Paintings - five 14th century pieces of art that the Alchemist is desperate to repossess. Accused of the murder of her one time mentor, Werner Von Croy, Lara becomes a fugitive on the run. Pursued by the police, she follows the Alchemist into a dark world of blood, betrayal and vengeance where it is up to her to defeat this unholy alliance, and stop them from unleashing their incredible powers on the world.


  Central National Bureau. Paris
  Commissioner Mirepoix, Special Crimes Investigation Force.
  To the Préfecture de Police.
  As yet no significant arrests have been made for this latest spate of 'Monstrum' killings in the capital. Seventeen have been reported so far. A woman was seen leaving the apartment of the latest victim, Professor Werner Von Croy. Described as Caucasian, brunette, about 1.8m and of slim build, she was wearing jeans, denim jacket and a pony tail. She is dangerous and probably armed. Officers are being advised to use extreme caution when apprehending the suspect.
  The press have sensationalized this latest outbreak of killings as "The Monstrum's Dark Renaissance", referring to similar atrocities in the capital over the last decade, and possibly as far back as the 1950's. There are definite links to atrocities in other European cities going back at least fifty years.
  Forensics have made no headway regarding the bizarre metallic eruptions found on the bodies of all victims. At present nothing appears to link any of the individuals involved. There have been significant numbers of casualties within Parisian gangland factions.
  It would all appear to be the work of a single, highly psychotic perpetrator. The bodies were desecrated and all crime scenes daubed with unintelligible graffiti, indicating some ritualistic fixation. There are no known survivors of these attacks so far.
  The suspect's apprehension should be made top priority...




  Lara Croft is the 11th Countess of Abbingdon. The Croft family was granted the title and rights to Abbingdon, Surrey by King Edward VI in 1547. Lara was born on February 14th, 1968 to Lady Amelia Croft, Countess of Abbingdon and to the notorious archaeologist Lord Richard Henshingly Croft, 10th Earl of Abbingdon.
  Reputably an accredited genius and Olympic-standard gymnast, Lady Croft was the focus of wild speculation and intense debate in both the scientific and political communities in addition to the popular press. Lara's methods are frequently called into question by government officials and other practising archaeologists. She has been described variously as anything from cavalier to downright irresponsible. Some scholars suggest that her notorious lack of documentation and brute force methodology had contaminated countless sites and done more harm than good. There have even been allegations that Lara actually took items from these sites before informing the international community of their locations, and that she is "nothing more than a glorified treasure hunter".
  At the age of nine, Lara survived a plane crash in the Himalayan mountains that resulted in the death of her mother. After miraculously surviving a ten-day solo trek from the crash site to Katmandu, she spent the rest of her childhood under the close tutage of her Archaeologist father - the late Earl of Abbingdon, Richard Croft.
  At the age of eighteen, after the death of her father, Lara inherited the Croft estates and became Countess of Abbingdon. Since then she has been credited with the discovery of some sixteen archaeological sites of international significance.
  She has been hailed both as an Archaeological Wunderkind and a glorified Treasure Hunter, depending on whom you listen to. There are thousands of rumours surrounding Lady Croft's exploits, invariably involving the unexplained or outright unbelievable. Lady Croft herself is, unfortunately, never available for comment, which further adds to the veil of mystery that surrounds her life and work.
  Consequently, Lady Croft continues to be the focus of wild speculations and intense debate. Idealized and vilified in equal measure, she is perhaps one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures of our times.


  Lara Croft is the 11th Countess of Abbingdon. The Croft family was granted the title and rights to Abbingdon, Surrey by King Edward VI in 1547. Lara was born on February 14th, 1968 to Lady Amelia Croft, Countess of Abbingdon and to the notorious archaeologist Lord Richard Henshingly Croft, 10th Earl of Abbingdon.
  Reputably an accredited genius and Olympic-standard gymnast, Lady Croft was the focus of wild speculation and intense debate in both the scientific and political communities in addition to the popular press. Lara's methods are frequently called into question by government officials and other practising archaeologists. She has been described variously as anything from cavalier to downright irresponsible. Some scholars suggest that her notorious lack of documentation and brute force methodology had contaminated countless sites and done more harm than good. There have even been allegations that Lara actually took items from these sites before informing the international community of their locations, and that she is "nothing more than a glorified treasure hunter".
  At the age of nine, Lara survived a plane crash in the Himalayan mountains that resulted in the death of her mother. After miraculously surviving a ten-day solo trek from the crash site to Katmandu, she spent the rest of her childhood under the close tutage of her Archaeologist father - the late Earl of Abbingdon, Richard Croft.
  At the age of eighteen, after the death of her father, Lara inherited the Croft estates and became Countess of Abbingdon. Since then she has been credited with the discovery of some sixteen archaeological sites of international significance.
  She has been hailed both as an Archaeological Wunderkind and a glorified Treasure Hunter, depending on whom you listen to. There are thousands of rumours surrounding Lady Croft's exploits, invariably involving the unexplained or outright unbelievable. Lady Croft herself is, unfortunately, never available for comment, which further adds to the veil of mystery that surrounds her life and work.
  Consequently, Lady Croft continues to be the focus of wild speculations and intense debate. Idealized and vilified in equal measure, she is perhaps one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures of our times.


  Lady Lara Croft is an 11th generation Countess. The Croft family was granted the title and rights to Abbingdon, Surrey by King Edward VI in 1547. The Croft Estates are comprised of three separate manor houses, two of which are maintained by the National Trust, and the third is home to Lady Croft.
  Lady Croft herself has suffered several personal tragedies, including the deaths of both parents on separate occasions before she came of age. Reputably an accredited genius and Olympic-standard gymnast, Lady Croft is the focus of wild speculation and intense debate in both the scientific and political communities in addition to the popular press. Idealized and vilified in equal measure, she is perhaps one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures of our time.
  Lara Croft was born in Surrey's Parkside hospital to Lady Amelia Croft and the notorious archeologist Lord Richard Croft, the late Earl of Abbingdon. Between the ages of three and six, she attended the Abbingdon Girls School, where it quickly became clear that she was an exceptionally gifted child.
  At the age of nine she survived a plane crash in the Himalayas that took the life of her mother. In perhaps the first story of her prodigious indomitability, she somehow survived a solo ten-day trek across the Himalayan mountains, one of the most hostile environments on the planet. The story goes that when she arrived in Katmandu she went to the nearest bar and made a polite telephone call to her father asking if it would be convenient for him to come and pick her up.
  For six years following the plane crash, Lara rarely left her father's side, traveling around the world from one archeological dig site to another. During this period she was ostensibly given a standard education from private tutors, but it would probably be more accurate to say she was her father's full time apprentice.
  When Lara was fifteen, her father went missing in Cambodia. Extensive searches by the authorities and Lara herself turned up human remains that could not definitively be identified. Since Lord Croft's body was not officially recovered, Lara could not directly inherit the Croft title and Lara was thrust into a bitter family feud over control of the Abbingdon estates with her uncle Lord Errol Croft. Lara eventually won the legal battle, and took possession of her inheritance but at the cost of a deep rift in the Croft family that left her estranged from her living relatives.
  Lady Lara Croft has already eclipsed her father's career; as of this writing she is credited with the discovery of some fifteen archeological sites of international significance. These sites are still yielding new and exciting insights to the past on an ongoing basis. No one can deny Lady Croft's incredible contribution to the field of archeology, however she is not without her detractors.
  Lara's methods have been frequently called into question by government officials and other practicing archeologists. She has been described variously as anything from cavalier to downright irresponsible. Some scholars have suggested that her notorious lack of documentation and brute force methodology have contaminated countless sites and done more harm than good. There have even been (unsubstantiated) allegations that Lara actually takes items from these sites before informing the international community of their locations, and that she is nothing more than a glorified treasure hunter.
  Despite the tabloid press's infatuation with her, Lara Croft guards her privacy with complete determination. She has never granted an interview nor made any personal comment to any of the rumors associated with her, preferring to express herself through brief formal statements given by the family solicitors, Hardgraves and Moore.
  Predictably there have been a number of unofficial biographies printed about the young Countess, that attribute wild and fantastic feats to her exploits, ranging from the discovery of living dinosaurs in the Congo to infiltrating the infamous Area 51 in Nevada. The official line from the Croft Estate to these works is simply that "...these books are utter rot: disgraceful, trashy works of total fiction."
  Nevertheless if you even make a cursory search on the Internet for the Unexplained, the Mysterious and the Downright Unbelievable, time and again you will find Lara Croft's name appearing. She appears to be a hero to conspiracy theorists and alternate history aficionados alike.
  It seems the further you dig into Lady Croft's life, the more bewildering and mysterious she becomes. Perhaps like the archeological sites she discovers, we have only scratched the surface of this incredible woman and the complex and inscrutable secrets buried deep within her.


  At the age of nine, Lara survived a plane crash in the Himalayan mountains that led to the death of her mother. After miraculously surviving a ten-day solo trek from the crash site to Kathmandu, she spent the rest of her childhood under the close tutelage of her Archaeologist father — the late Earl of Abbingdon, Richard Croft.
  At the age of eighteen, after the death of her father, Lara inherited the Croft estates and became Countess of Abbingdon. Since then she has been pursuing her own personal mission to uncover the secrets of the world's distant past and in doing so, hopes to understand how her parents died.


  Tomb Raider is the first chapter in the story of Lara Croft.
  As the game begins, Lara is a young college graduate, eager to find adventure and make her mark on the archaeological orld. With her best friend Sam, Lara joins an expedition aboard the research vessel Endurance in search of the lost kingdom of Yamatai.
  Thought to have existed on an island somewhere off the coast of Japan, Yamatai's true location has remained a mystery for centuries. Trusting in Lara's research, Conrad Roth, captain of the Endurance, takes the expedition into a dangerous area of the sea known as the Dragon's Triangle.
  It is here that everything goes horribly wrong and Lara discovers the true price of adventure.


  In the breathtaking sequel to Tomb Raider, Lara Croft becomes more than a survivor as she embarks upon her first great expedition to explore the earth’s most ancient and remote regions and uncover the secret of immortality.
  Harness Lara’s growing talents in a dramatic action-adventure ranging from Syria’s sun-baked ruins to Siberia’s frozen mountains. Play as the young archaeologist as she conquers tombs, outpaces rivals, and establishes her legend.





来自《古墓丽影:崛起 — 血脉相连》的“克罗夫特爵士的私人物品”之“克罗夫特爵士的文凭”

来自《古墓丽影:崛起 — 血脉相连》的“克罗夫特爵士的日志”之“克罗夫特的新成员”




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